07 April 2012

Harry Potter Miniatures

Ralph Feinnes as the "Dark Lord Voldemort"
Great things also require an ending tableau.
I'm making it obvious that although Harry Potter's name is all over the series, my favorite character is the Dark Lord Voldemort himself, Ralph Feines was the best actor to have played it, those long uncanny fingers, cold menacing snakelike eyes, his obvious exuberance of power makes it all worth to see him in the big screen as the ultimate villain of the dark forces.

Harry Potter Miniatures

The last installment of Harry Potter was rather emotional for me. I bid farewell to the characters that I have followed through my teenage years, the adventures of Hary Potter the boy who lived will stay long in my memories along with others of my generation. These miniatures I have here are just some of the one's I was lucky enough to photograph in an exhibit inside SM MOA. I like photographing miniatures, maybe because I can't afford to collect them as a hobby, but taking their pictures inside displays in Toy Store's is challenging. You never knew what will happen if you get caught.

This is like me bidding a good farewell to the characters that had been with me during my teenage years. I'm hardly a teenager now, but the memories I kept along with the shelves of Harry Potter franchise, from all its book series to the movies. I've and read watched it all, I witnessed Daniel Radcliff and his 2 peers Emma Watson and Rupert Grint grow up as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley, it feels like I also grew up with them. I remember complaining to my parents that my eyesight is blurry so they would by buy me reading glasses like the one's Harry Potter wear.

Helena Bonhan Carter as the deranged "Bellatrix Lestrange"
I like watching films where Helena Bonham Carter takes part, whether small or big characters to portray, her theatrical talents are incomparable. She did very well as Bellatrix Lestrange, the bloodlust and derange would've been done well by other brit actors. She's just perfect for it.

Daniel Radcliff as "Harry Potter" the boy who lived.
I have to admit that there are times that I doubted the screen presence of Daniel Radcliff, I always have a nagging feeling that someone else would've done this better. He was perfect when he started on the first movie, but watching him along Emma Watson and other talented Brit Actors weighs down on him. He outgrew it all out though, I have to dismiss the fact that Daniel Radcliff have bright Blue eyes whereas on the book, Harry Potter has his mothers beautiful Green eyes, and he is never to wear his hair clean cut.

Rupert Grint as "Ronald Weasley"
We've known him to be WonWon to his first girlfriend on screen for the movie. And sometimes we wonder when he would stop growing up because already he's a lot taller than Daniel. As a sidekick to the movie hero, he did great have his own moments.

Maggie Smith as "Professor Minerva McGonagall"
Maggie Smith is one of the great British around. She done well being the steward of the Griffindor House in Hogwarts, and I say her greatest moment in the series was on the last movie where she cast the spell Piertotum Locomoto to animate the inanimate objects like the statues and suits of armor in Hogwarts. Nice to see that Professor McGonaggall is not all stately and steel, but also has a bit of naughtiness.

Robert Pattinson as Huflepuff's "Cedric Diggory"
He's done well being the pretty boy in the franchise, and even before Rob Pattinson became famous as playing the Vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga, we've known him to be the other Hogwarts Champion to have vowed the Triwizard Cup. As with Rob Pattinson though, it's all about the smirk and smoldering eyes that mad girls go gaga over him, I just can't see the logic in it, but hey we all need that pretty boy power.

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  1. ang ganda ng collection mo :))) inggit ako!

  2. Thanks Sir Mots! hahaha! mas ok sayo, ganda ng mga comics mo eh
