19 October 2014

Flora | Flower Photo Collections

Flora | Flower Photo Collections

Wild Daisy in the vegetable paddies of Mt Timbak in Benguet.

Today is a beautiful sunny Day and I am feeling lonely. Unlike before, I have undone a lot of things that I do when I'm in such a mood, like chasing words running in my head and weave them into poetry, or reading a book after another book feeling like a crazed bookworm or just lie in my bed and stare into the ceiling without anything to think about. These mood spells that had once besieged me when I feel isolated from the world had morph into something else and that is Facebook (ing). You read it right, in this day and age of social media revolution I am connected to everyone with facebook and blogging my travel and photography adventures, but I feel more alienated than ever before. 

I liked a photo of a flower in my facebook newsfeed and realised that I just joined a chain post to promote a post of more positive images in this social media platform. With nothing much to do, I gladly shared a flower photo, and hell yeah people just joined in, I guess we are all the same, we didn't read the caption until its too late.

Almost like a Cherry Blossom, these are wild flowers blooming in the rocky summit of Mt Manalmon.

The white variety of the flower above, still from the summit of Mt Manalmon.

Today I thought about flowers, the rosemary and boungainvilla's in my mother's garden that she so painstakingly cared for, the scattered Daisy's and Calla's in the vegetable terraces of the Cordillera's that are always wet with drizzles, the Cherry Blossoms like flowers sprouting in a bush at the rocky summit of Mt Manalmon, the wild Sunflowers in Sagada, the varied Chrysantemum's in Baguio or the single yellow Rose I once gave to a now ex-girlfriend; the memories just keep coming.

Understanding that inspiration is something that you bring upon yourself, no matter what or who it is that may inspire you is entirely a personal choice. For today I thought about scrounging my saved image file of flowers, Photos I've taken to practice Flora Photography. It's cliche for some experienced photographers but mostly anyone who is starting into photography with whatever tool had been out there photographing flowers at one time, I did. Capturing textures of flower petals, water droplets against a vivid colorful background or of bees, butterfly's,  moths, spiders and even fly's perching on them; photographing flowers will never grow old for me. Though I can never claim to be an expert of capturing the feeling of awe and wonder, the happiness of seeing a beautiful thing bloom naturally for everyone's delight, I can say that I have gotten the hand of it to make it more interesting.

Photographing flowers had helped me understand how my camera would tend to focus on a certain color, how a certain angle would make about a dramatic change in perspective, the play of shadows under the petals, or in some cases the saturation of colors that comes fort without intent. I find flowers to be a very interesting subject to photograph because they are easy to photograph and are naturally still. I have gone ahead of my introspection here; allow me to share some of the flower photos I've saved in my hard drives.

Francis Balgos is a Call Center Agent, Weekend Travel Warrior, Amateur Spelunker, Sometime Surfer, Newbie Mountain Climber, Photography Enthusiast, Certified Beach Bum, A first born son, Faithful lover, True Explorer...

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